I have dreamed of having a 1950s living room for the longest time now. I hope the day I own my own home, I can go all out with a true retro 1950s look for my home. I have been looking through tons and tons of photos on the internet and it's truly exciting to even begin to imagine how it will look. I love how back in the 50s new trends in furniture design and decoration for the home were inspired by art.
Here's another photo that is just delightful to look at. This is a true dream right here.

I'd love to just turn back time in my home to the 1950s by decorating any room with retro items. Replace modern kitchen appliances with vintage replicas, such as toasters and refrigerators, and paint walls with a bright shade. Add instant glamor to any room in my home by hanging black-and-white images of 1950s entertainment icons, such as Marilyn Monroe, Humphrey Bogart, Bette Davis and James Dean. Display framed vintage movie posters in my den or entertainment room. If I can't find original posters, prints of many popular 1950s movies, such as "Rebel Without a Cause" and "All About Eve," I heard some are available in specialty shops.